Major Tasks to Do for Your Business in this COVID 19 Quarantine period
Growing a business is not as easy as starting one, especially in times like this, but wait, don’t lose hope! It is quite right, the present pandemic is indeed testing all circles of life, and one of them is small businesses. It’s changing how we work, shop, travel, and invest energy with our families. Innovation is permitting individuals to carry on in numerous territories of their work and lives. It likewise presents new open doors for organizations to draw in with their customers and audiences.
There are different changes in businesses, whether it is an enterprise, a corporation, or retail, everywhere globally, and the dread and vulnerability keep on rising, as we attempt to adjust to our new real factors. Be that as it may, how we, as organizations and pioneers, respond to circumstances and proactively plan for the future will separate us.
However, quarantine or self-segregation doesn’t mean we’re cut off from all contact with each other.
We may have a lot of time right now than before, but we should make it productive. Aside from watching Netflix and tv, it would help if you spent some time with your family, hanging out with the nearest one, or giving yourself some time. What we need to understand is how we can utilize this time; this is important. We realized the importance of the time when it is ripped away from us. It is better to respect the time instead of regretting afterward.

Move Your Business Offline to Online:
If you are a local business or retailer, you will need to think ahead and long haul. Is it possible to run a part of your business on the web or change your plan of action? This is the crucial time for those who are thinking of moving their business offline to online.
The Procedure to Shift Your Business Online is Time Taking:
Create a website
• List your products and services
• Promote your brand
• Rank your website
Most probably, your offline business or store is close. Even if your store is open, I am sure that it is not running as much as earlier. You can use this time to create your store online.

Competitive Analysis
In the bustling day by day life, as long as digital marketing is working, who cares what the competitors are doing. A couple of years passed, they are still our competitors but following our approach as we have beaten them by our phenomenal marketing strategy. And, we stopped doing the competitor’s analysis as we are increasingly centered around offering types of assistance and making new strategies.
Likewise, ensure that you direct a point by point investigation of the social media battles that your competitors are running nowadays. In modern times, a superb social media strategy is a distinct advantage and generates revenue once the quarantine period over.
Presently, this is the point when you are at home, and you have some available time to do some research on your competitors.
Go On With The SEO/Social Media Campaign:
As of now, you ought not to redirect the budget of your SEO as this circumstance isn’t lasting. It would help if you resisted the urge to panic since Google’s algorithms do not take a break during this emergency.
In case you stop your SEO or social media campaign, and your opposition doesn’t, who will be the gainer when this passes? Which brands will individuals finish the entirety of this – those that stay in contact, or those that shut down?
It would help if you remembered Digital Marketing is an ongoing and long term process. You can not stop or pause this process even if you are on the number one page of Google search engine. As soon as you stop doing SEO for your business, your rank will decrease as your competitors are continuing the SEO process.